On December 5, from 16:00 – 20:00, the students following the Energy Law course will present the first draft of their case essays at NOVA School of Law. The essays cover the most recent and relevant cases of the Energy Law at the International, EU, and national level.
The event is open to anyone who wants to engage in the discussion. No previous registration is required!
- Lucila de Almeida, Professor holder of the Abreu Chair in ESG Impact.
Session I – 16:00 – 18:00
Ugnė Budrytė and Iga Karasińska | Case C-290/20 – Latvijas Gāze’ AS (Principle of subsidiarity) |
André Moradas | Physical Witholding as Market Abuse Under REMIT: SNC/DE/0046/14 Iberdrola Generación S.A.U. v. CNCM |
Nicolas Emmerich and Senait Mikolajczyk | Clarifying conditions for ‘State resources’ : Case C‑405/16 P: Federal Republic of Germany v European Commission |
Sara Contreiras and Josefa Gabriel | Case C-348/20 P – Nord Stream 2 AG v European Parliament and Council of the European Union |
João Casaca | RWE and Uniper v. the Netherlands (Ministry of Climate and Energy) |
Joana Marques | Greater Sunrise Analysis: East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) in conjugation with Timor Sea Conciliation (Timor-Leste v. Australia) |
Melis Yuksel and Sofia Solayman | Compatibility of Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties with EU Law: C-284/16 Slowakische Republik v Achmea BV. |
Anna Yabe and Anna Baron | Renewable Support Schemesand the Principle of Protection of Legitimate Expectations of Investors: C-148/23 GSE v Erg Eolica Ginestra Srl and Others: Case C-148/23 – Gestore dei Servizi Energetici SpA GSE v Erg Eolica Ginestra Srl and Others |
Inês Silva and Ana Laura Carmo | C-683/19 – Viesgo Infraestructuras Energéticas SL v Administración General del Estado and Others (Public Service Obligations) |
Session II – 18:00 – 20:00
Lina Dahl & Jessica Lopes | Case C-594/18 P – Republic of Austria v. European Commission (Hinkley Point C Nuclear Plant Subsidies) |
Stephen Shanley and Witek | Case C-848/19 P – Germany v Poland (Principle of energy solidarity) |
Débora and Sofia | Case C-220/23, R. sp. z o.o. v. Prezes Urzędu Regulacji Energetyki |
Elin Kienzl/ Diogo Gonçalves | Energy Market Integrity and Compliance with Regulatory Obligations: CORDIS Decision No. 02-40-16, CRE v Vitol |
Maria Montez | The Komstroy Judgment: A Critical Insight into Its Impact on Energy Law |
Fernanda Ferreira and Ieva Pilitauskaitė | State aid, regulatory intervention, and market liberalization in the renewables sector: Joined Cases C-702/20 and C-17/21/ SIA ‘DOBELES HES’ and Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisija. |
Miguel Nascimento & Maria Nina Peluso | MEKH v ACER (Case T-684/19) |
Eduardo Simões & Rafael Guedes | Case C-580/21: EEW Energy from Waste v MNG Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft (2023) |
Manuela Michetti & Vera Pinto | Private Expectations on feed-in tariffs in Joined Cases C-798/18 and C-799/18: Anie and others v Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico and Gestore dei servizi energetici (GSE) SpA |