Processo C-278/21 (AquaPri) da segunda secção do TJUE

Environmental Law

Justiciability of Climate Change Legislation: Case Study of KlimaSeniorinnen v. Switzerland

Climate Change

AquaPri (2023): Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Natura 2000) and activity of fish farming

Environmental Law

Processo C-278/21 (AquaPri) da segunda secção do TJUE | Environmental Law
Justiciability of Climate Change Legislation: Case Study of KlimaSeniorinnen v. Switzerland | Climate Change
AquaPri (2023): Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Natura 2000) and activity of fish farming | Environmental Law

Activities and Publications

The NOVA Green Lab is a knowledge centre for independent discussion and knowledge exchange in the areas of environmental, climate and energy law. Our activities and publications deliver different outputs, from scientific research to events, courses, blogs, podcasts and youtube series, all with the purpose of fomenting a better and more sustainable future.


Design and Liability Challenges in Offshore Wind Farms: the case of MT Højgaard A/S v E. ON Climate & Renewables UK Robin Rigg East Limited and another.
Enriqueta Ramirez

Introduction This case is a dispute referring to the liability of a contractor in charge of the design and construction for wind turbine structures of two wind farms in Scotland. These structures collapsed, and the contractor identified the source of failure. The contractor proposed remedial actions, and both parties agreed to implement them. However, a … Continued

Análise Do Processo C-278/21 Da Segunda Secção Do Tribunal De Justiça Da União Europeia (AquaPri)
Madalena Carranca

Introdução O conflito sub judice que dá origem ao presente acórdão da segunda secção do Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia[1] (doravante TJUE) tem como ponto de partida um reenvio prejudicial a pedido de um tribunal dinamarquês que questionava a aplicação do Artigo 6(3) da Diretiva 92/43/EC. Estava em causa uma exploração piscícola pertencente à … Continued

Justiciability of Climate Change Legislation: Case Study of KlimaSeniorinnen v. Switzerland
Rok Glavan

The enforceability of climate change targets on states is a particularly pressing topic right now. Despite virtually all states agreeing and signing various global cooperation pacts and passing national legislation regarding them, it is a very heated legal conversation, especially given the urgent nature of the issue, whether individuals can hold their states accountable when … Continued

AquaPri (2023): Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Natura 2000) and activity of fish farming
Leonor Neves

Introduction  The CJEU has a consistent engagement with Article 6 of the Council Directive 93/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora[1] (the Habitats Directive), as amended, highlighting its enduring importance in preserving Europe’s biodiversity. There are challenges faced by national authorities in enforcing the directive, … Continued


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NOVA Green Lab at Abreu Advogados: Reflecting on our achievements and Setting New Goals 
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

Today was a significant day for NOVA Green Lab as we gathered at Abreu Advogados to review the results of the first semester of 2024 and set new goals for 2024-2025. The room was filled to capacity, providing a vibrant environment for discussion, collaboration, and idea-sharing. The full attendance was crucial in ensuring we captured a wide … Continued

Abreu Advogados Nomeada para os Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe 2024´
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

O Financial Times publicou na passada semana a lista de finalistas para a edição de 2024 dos “Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe”, e a Abreu Advogados destaca-se com a nomeação em duas categorias na área da inovação. Este reconhecimento ocorre um ano depois de a firma ter sido considerada a 16.ª mais inovadora da … Continued

NOVA Green Lab at the University of Maastricht as an invited speaker to a Conference of their Centre of European Law
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

On the 20th and 21st of June, Maastricht University Faculty of Law hosted the conference “Between narratives and reality: The EU at the gates of a new mandate”, co-organised with Studio Europa Maastricht, co-funded by Universiteitsfonds Limburg and convened by our MCEL members Leticia Díez Sánchez and Fulvia Ristuccia. Two days of enriching discussions opened with a Keynote … Continued

Mission, Values and SDGs

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NOVA Green Lab promotes legal and multidisciplinary research in the field of environmental, climate, and energy law. Besides encouraging intensive scholarly debate, we may facilitate access of policymakers, civil society, stakeholders and citizens of different generations to the knowledge needed to achieve a better and more sustainable future, mainly focusing on the following SDGs.

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action

Affordable and clean energy

Responsible consumption and production

Sustainable cities and communities

Life on Land

Donors & Partners

The NOVA Green Lab receives funding generously donated from the Knowledge Insititute of Abreu Advogados. Learn more about our Sponsors and Partners.

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