The NOVA Green Lab is a knowledge centre for independent discussion and knowledge exchange in the areas of environmental, climate and energy law. Our activities and publications deliver different outputs, from scientific research to events, courses, blogs, podcasts and youtube series, all with the purpose of fomenting a better and more sustainable future.
I – Introdução O desenvolvimento de projetos de extração mineral em áreas ambientalmente sensíveis tem gerado debates significativos sobre os impactos ambientais e a compatibilidade com os instrumentos de gestão territorial. Este trabalho analisa o caso do projeto de ampliação da pedreira Vale de Mós A, operado pela SECIL, localizado no Parque Natural da Arrábida … Continued
Factual and Legal Background This preliminary reference concerns a dispute between the GSE, the Italian public company that manages inventive mechanisms for promoting renewable sources, and twenty-one energy company owners of renewable power plants, which had benefitted from the green certificate scheme until 2011. Following the transposition of Directive 2009/28/EC (thereon, the RED I) on … Continued
INTRODUÇÃO Este estudo de caso foca-se no projeto de Melhoria das Acessibilidades Marítimas ao Porto de Setúbal, um caso bastante controverso que envolveu um debate aceso entre os diversos ‘stakeholders’. Por um lado, a aspiração pelo desenvolvimento económico da região e a criação de postos de trabalho, juntamente com a modernização e melhoria da atratividade … Continued
Introdução A escassez de água na região do Algarve é um desafio crescente, exacerbado por anos consecutivos de seca e falhas estruturais na gestão dos recursos hídricos. Perante este cenário, foram aprovadas medidas de resposta e prevenção, que incluem o lançamento do concurso público n.º2530/2024, de 16 de fevereiro, para a conceção-construção e exploração do … Continued
The NOVA Green lab is opening applications for students of Ph.D., Master, and Bachelor programs (4th Year only) to become members of our team from October 2024 to September 2025. NOVA Green Lab is an innovative and active knowledge center of NOVA School of Law committed to promoting legal and multidisciplinary environmental, climate, and energy law research. Currently, we are running several projects, among … Continued
Today was a significant day for NOVA Green Lab as we gathered at Abreu Advogados to review the results of the first semester of 2024 and set new goals for 2024-2025. The room was filled to capacity, providing a vibrant environment for discussion, collaboration, and idea-sharing. The full attendance was crucial in ensuring we captured a wide … Continued
O Financial Times publicou na passada semana a lista de finalistas para a edição de 2024 dos “Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe”, e a Abreu Advogados destaca-se com a nomeação em duas categorias na área da inovação. Este reconhecimento ocorre um ano depois de a firma ter sido considerada a 16.ª mais inovadora da … Continued
NOVA Green Lab promotes legal and multidisciplinary research in the field of environmental, climate, and energy law. Besides encouraging intensive scholarly debate, we may facilitate access of policymakers, civil society, stakeholders and citizens of different generations to the knowledge needed to achieve a better and more sustainable future, mainly focusing on the following SDGs.
Climate Action
Affordable and clean energy
Responsible consumption and production
Sustainable cities and communities
Life on Land
The NOVA Green Lab receives funding generously donated from the Knowledge Insititute of Abreu Advogados. Learn more about our Sponsors and Partners.