The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) is delighted to announce the 8th edition of the joint course called “Introduction to Fundamentals of Energy Regulation”, to be held onsite in Brussels on 24 – 27 April 2023. This CEER course is focused on explaining the fundamentals of EU energy policy and regulation, building on similar successful courses held in previous years.
The course is addressed for newer staff members within National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), European Institutions, and other public authorities. In the last three editions of the event, Professor Lucila de Almeida, Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, covers the lecture on ¨Regulation of renewable energy and energy efficiency: Key EU legislative acts (Renewable energy and energy efficiency directive, the Clean Energy Package) Impact of European renewable policy on security of supply
The CEER course will comprehensively explain the key aspects of EU electricity and gas regulation, including the latest developments, theory, and practice, across the energy cost chain from wholesale markets to networks and retail issues. Attendees will be provided with a clear understanding of the economic and legal frameworks developed in European energy regulation, including an explanation of the main institutions and participants involved. The course brings the CEER’s senior regulatory practical knowledge and expertise. By combining academic groundings and practical on-the-job regulatory experience, the course seeks to build the operational understanding, capacity, and tools for newer NRA staff members, which they can then apply in their work.