On 1st December, the NOVA Green Lab joined the 7th GOP2P conference at TUDelft, Netherlands. The GOP2P is a research project supported by the International Energy Agency Project that has NOVA School of Law and co/subtask leader.
The 7th GOP2P meeting had an intense full-day program themed ‘Making Local Energy Markets a Reality’, focused on the challenge of moving from pilots to widespread implementation of Local Energy Markets (#LEM). We enjoyed insightful presentations from our industry experts Marc CostaJustin PagdenThomas Walter Byung Chun Yoo and Abhigyan Singh who shared their experiences of designing and operating local energy markets in real-world conditions.

Presentations by our GO-P2P members Tarek Alskaif and Valentin Robu highlighted the ‘reality gap’ between desired LEM outcomes and the current status quo. They emphasised the importance of designing markets and communities that ensure an equitable distribution of benefits. Our guest speaker Carissa Champlin highlighted the importance of transdisciplinary methods such as co-design to put users at the centre of the transformation.
GO-P2P is now entering its final work phase. We will be collecting data from pilot projects to generate a rich dataset that will provide the relevant insights and evidence needed to make informed decisions to accelerate the uptake of LEMs. Special thanks to our subtask leaders Lucila de Almeida, Declan Kuch and Ruzanna Chitchyan for their presentations and active involvement in GO-P2P and for driving the data analysis and research.

Some background: GO-P2P is a forum for international collaboration to understand the policy, regulatory, social and technological conditions needed to support the wider adoption of #PeerToPeer, #Community#SelfConsumption and #TransactiveEnergy models. If you are interested in submitting a #CaseStudy to our repository, learning more about GO-P2P, or getting involved in the fantastic work our community is doing, please feel free to contact me or explore our project page: https://userstcp.org/
A big thank you to the GO-P2P team at UCL Energy Institute – Anna Gorbatcheva, Eun Jin Lim, Nicole Watson and David Shipworth – for working together to organise and run this event! Special thanks to Abhigyan Singh and Delft University of Technology for their collaboration in co-hosting this event. And, of course, sincere thanks to all the speakers and participants who actively contributed to the discussions Hugo SchönbeckDaan RuttenAliene van der VeenMichael W. StoddardSho CremersSamuel ThomasShafi K KhademAyooluwa Adewole, Ph.DNabin Babu OjhaJeremy HarrisonMarina Bertolini