Analysis of the ECJ Decision (C-17/03) on VEMW and Others

Introduction In 2000, the undertakings Vereniging voor Energie, Milieu en Water (hereinafter referred to as ‘VEMW’),Amsterdam Power Exchange Spotmarket BV and Eneco NV lodged an appeal, with the College van Beroep voor het bedrijsleven, the Administrative Court for Trade and Industry in the Netherlands or ‘the College’, against a controversial decision made by the Directeur … Continued

Voluntary Carbon Markets: Necessity of Regulation and Legislation Proposals

1. Introduction:  Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) are markets where there is the possibility of trading carbon credits in which projects that contribute to reducing or absorbing greenhouse gases (GHG) sell those credits to companies looking to offset their emissions after pressure from stakeholders to act and reach net neutrality in 2050. It is mainly a … Continued

A Legal Analysis of the Revised Environmental Crime Directive: Strengthening Enforcement and Accountability in EU Environmental Law

I. Introduction Owing to its growing prevalence and detrimental effects, the prevention and combat of environmental crime is crucial. Ranked as the fourth-largest criminal activity in value globally [1], environmental crime boasts estimated annual revenues ranging from US$91 billion to US$258 billion in 2016 [1]. Alone, the illicit waste market within the EU generated an … Continued

Do the Portuguese Territorial Just Transition Plans comply with the Just Transition Regulation?

INTRODUCTION In December 2022, all twelve of the Portuguese 2030 Programmes were approved by the Commission. This included a total of 224 million euros from the Just Transition Fund (JTF)[1] divided amongst three Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs), for Matosinhos, Médio Tejo and Alentejo Litoral, included in the Programmes for the North, Center and Alentejo … Continued