Case T-883/16 Republic of Poland v. European Commission: the principle of energy solidarity

Introduction This paper delves into the principle of energy solidarity and the decision of the General Court that brought this principle to the European Union’s energy policy. By examining Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘TFEU’), the discussion highlights how energy solidarity has become an essential pillar for ensuring … Continued

The Norwegian Supreme Court rules on its first “climate case”: an analysis of People v. Arctic Oil and possible future developments at the European Court of Human Rights

In 2020, the Norwegian Supreme Court ruled on its first legal case regarding the climate, failing to address the full extent of the situation and ending up complying with the modus operandi and status quo of politics surrounding petroleum deposits exploration. However, the Court also set out an important precedent by making statements that have the potential to affect … Continued

Analysis of the ECJ Decision (C-17/03) on VEMW and Others

Introduction In 2000, the undertakings Vereniging voor Energie, Milieu en Water (hereinafter referred to as ‘VEMW’),Amsterdam Power Exchange Spotmarket BV and Eneco NV lodged an appeal, with the College van Beroep voor het bedrijsleven, the Administrative Court for Trade and Industry in the Netherlands or ‘the College’, against a controversial decision made by the Directeur … Continued

Consumers and the green transition between saying and doing: promising consumer empowerment while restricting consumers´choices is dangerous 

On the 19th December, our Coordinator, Professor Lucila de Almeida, along with Professor Fabrizio Esposito published an engaging article on the Yearbook of European Law, entitled “Consumers and the green transition between saying and doing: promising consumer empowerment while restricting consumers’ choices is dangerous”. The article is available online and the abstract can be read … Continued