Maria Manuel Meruje is a doctoral candidate at Nova School of Law in Public Law, with a focus on Nuclear Law, researcher at Nova Law Green Lab and jurist at Instituto Superior Técnico. She is a specialist in radiological protection law and nuclear safety, having the “troisiéme cycle” in International Nuclear Law from the Faculté de Droit de la Université de Montpellier I C.R.E.A.M. and the Nuclear Law Institute Course from the International Atomic Energy Agency. National expert nominated by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education to represent Portugal in the “Nuclear Law Committee”, OCDE – Nuclear Energy Agency. Portuguese Counterpart in several projects of the International Atomic Energy Agency, related to the improvement of legislation in the area of Nuclear Law. Portuguese correspondent for the Nuclear Law Bulletin, OECD – NEA. She collaborates with the radiological protection training courses promoted by Instituto Superior Técnico, teaching the part related to the international and national legal framework in the area of radiological protection and nuclear safety.
Maria Manuel Meruje
Alumni 2022-2023