The Global Observatory on Peer-to-peer Community Self-consumption and Transactive Energy Models (GOP2P) is an international collaborative forum to understand the policy, legal, social and technological conditions needed to support the wider deployment of prosumer and transactional energy models between prosumers and energy communities. GOP2P is part of the International Energy Agency’s User-Centred Energy Systems Technology Collaboration Programme (UsersTCP) and has over 200 participants. The project is led by University College London (UCL), with Professor David Shipworth as lead researcher, and co-lead by 5 other institutions. The NOVA School of Law and European University Institute (EUI) are responsible for managing the subtask on law and regulation under the coordination of Professor Lucila de Almeida since 2019. The latter is now negotiating with the institutions involved to have NOVA School of Law replace EUI as co-leader of the above sub-task institution.
Our Director and Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, Professor Lucila de Almeida, is the project leader of subtask five and the contact person for this project.
Key Publications: