Green shipping: Updates on MRV Regulation to Maritime Transportation

1. Introduction It is recognized that shipping transportation is an essential facility for the existence of the global economy and the global trade of goods. However, it faces ecological difficulties due to the rising fuel costs and environmental pressures, especially in the case of maritime transportation – according to the Fourth Green House Gas Study … Continued

Como o financiamento misto (blended finance) pode acelerar o desenvolvimento sustentável 

No contexto atual de fomento às finanças sustentáveis, que conformam aspectos de sustentabilidade dentro dos processos de tomada decisória para alocação dos investimentos, diversos têm sido os instrumentos criados a fim de que se atinja este fim. Neste contexto, o blended finance, ou financiamento misto, emergiu como ferramenta potente no domínio das sustainable finance, atuando … Continued

NOVA School of Law´s students talk about their experience in the negotiation simulation at AIEN

After two months of intense preparation with coaches, a group of six (6) students nominated by NOVA Green Lab had the opportunity on 21 September to represent NOVA School of Law (NSL) in a mock negotiation promoted by the Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN). The students who represented NSL were: Catarina Rocha, a master’s … Continued

Relatório AR6 do Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas

Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC), órgão das Nações Unidas, apresentou, no dia 20 de março, o seu sexto Relatório de Avaliação (AR6). O Relatório urge para a necessidade de mudanças sem precedentes para conter o aumento das emissões dos gases do efeito estufa. Alerta que o que tem sido feito nos últimos 5 anos … Continued

A Critical Review of the EU Court of Auditors’ Special Report on Sustainable Financing: looking back to look forward

The European Union (EU) has been a leader in promoting sustainable finance, recognising the need for a comprehensive and cohesive framework to promote responsible investment and financing practices. A report by the EU Court of Auditors, released in 2021, found that more cohesive action is necessary to shift funding towards sustainable investment. This report, entitled … Continued