Proposal of the Directive on Common rules promoting the repair of goods (Right to Repair Directive).

Contextualizing In response to the pressing need for sustainable consumption practices and enhanced consumer rights within the European Union (EU), a new Directive Proposal seeks to build upon the existing framework to strengthen the internal market’s functionality while promoting a high level of environmental protection and consumer welfare. Directive (EU) 2019/771 initially laid the groundwork … Continued

Green-shipping: provisional agreement on CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs)

Context             Heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) – freight vehicles of more than 3.5 tonnes (lorries), or passenger transport vehicles of more than 8 seats (buses and coaches) – are a great part of our economy. Trucks transport 77% of all land freight in the European Union, forming part of a logistics network that includes inland waterways, … Continued

Unveiling the Green Curtain: European Parliament Takes Firm Action to Combat Greenwashing and Safeguard Consumers

On January 17th 2024, the European Parliament approved the ‘Green Claims Directive’, which aims to improve product labelling and to ban misleading environmental or ‘green’ claims. Such decision represents a significant milestone towards the promotion of sustainable practices and consumer protection within the European Union. It is important to stress out that Member States will … Continued

Green Lab Talk: Escassez de Água em Portugal e o Direito com a Presidente do Conselho de Administração da ERSAR, Vera Eiró.

No passado dia 23 de fevereiro, o NOVA Green Lab organizou um evento no qual se discutiu a atual situação de escassez de água em Portugal e as suas implicações a nível do Direito. Este evento contou como oradora principal a Professora Dra. Vera Eiró (ERSAR e UNL) e enquanto moderadora de debate a Professora … Continued

Green shipping: Updates on MRV Regulation to Maritime Transportation

1. Introduction It is recognized that shipping transportation is an essential facility for the existence of the global economy and the global trade of goods. However, it faces ecological difficulties due to the rising fuel costs and environmental pressures, especially in the case of maritime transportation – according to the Fourth Green House Gas Study … Continued

Como o financiamento misto (blended finance) pode acelerar o desenvolvimento sustentável 

No contexto atual de fomento às finanças sustentáveis, que conformam aspectos de sustentabilidade dentro dos processos de tomada decisória para alocação dos investimentos, diversos têm sido os instrumentos criados a fim de que se atinja este fim. Neste contexto, o blended finance, ou financiamento misto, emergiu como ferramenta potente no domínio das sustainable finance, atuando … Continued

Relatório AR6 do Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas

Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC), órgão das Nações Unidas, apresentou, no dia 20 de março, o seu sexto Relatório de Avaliação (AR6). O Relatório urge para a necessidade de mudanças sem precedentes para conter o aumento das emissões dos gases do efeito estufa. Alerta que o que tem sido feito nos últimos 5 anos … Continued