Green Lab at Congreso Iberoamericano on Energía y Regulación at Universidad Carlos III
NOVA Green Lab at the Energy Law and Economics Course
Last week, NOVA Assembleia and ELSA U.LISBOA collaborated to organize an intensive Course on Green Energy Law and Economics, in which our coordinator, Professor Lucila de Almeida, featured as a speaker. The course covered important topics such as electric vehicles and mobility, project finance, market regulation, the tax aspects of energy law, and the Sustainable … Continued
NOVA Green Lab at University of Trento Webinar on Technology Neutrality Principle and the European Green Transition
On 30 November 2023, Professor Lucila de Almeida joined the Webinar at the University of Trento entitled ´Technology Neutrality Principle and the European Green Transition´. Lucila introduced the European Commission proposal on the Net-Zero Industrial Act and Critical Raw Material Act with the PhD student at the University of Trento, Alessandra Porcari, who presented her … Continued
NOVA Green Lab at Erasmus+ Capacity Building Calesa Project
On 28 November 2023, Professor Lucila de Almeida presented at the Judicial Academy of the Philippines in an event within the framework of the ´Erasmus+ Capacity Building Calesa Project´ entitled ´Knowledge Sharing on the Modernization of Private Law´. She presented about the Public Intervention in Private Contracting, bringing examples in the EU energy and environmental … Continued
Welcome to Beatriz Gomes as our NOVA Green Lab´s Project Manager
The NOVA Green Lab team is glad to announce the appointment of Beatriz Gomes as our new research associate and project manager. Beatriz applied and won the competitive selection process for the CEDIS research scholarship 2013/13. For our Director, Professora Lucila de Almeida, ¨Beatriz proved to be the candidate who demonstrated an optimal combination of … Continued
Welcome to the NOVA Green Lab team members Cohort 2023-2024
We are glad to announce the NOVA Green Lab team members of the Cohort 2023-2024! The NOVA Green Lab team members of the Cohort 2023-2024 are composed of BSc, MSc, and PhD students selected from the group of applicants who answered our open call issued in April 2023. Every year, the NOVA Green Lab welcomes … Continued
Conferência Ibérica da APDEN: contributos para a Reforma do Mercado Europeu de Energia
No passado dia 9 de novembro, a NOVA School of Law recebeu a Conferência Ibérica da APDEN intitulada «Contributos para a Reforma do Mercado Europeu de Energia», organizada conjuntamente com a APE – Associação Portuguesa da Energia e a NOVA School of Law, através do NOVA Green Lab, em parceria com AEDEN – Asociación Española de Derecho de la Energía, a EFELA – European Federation of … Continued
NOVA Green Lab at the AIEN-Association of International Energy Negotiators´ Conference
Após dois meses de preparação, uma equipa de seis alunos/as indicados/as pelo NOVA Green Lab teve, no dia 21 de setembro, a oportunidade de representar a NOVA School of Law numa simulação de negociação – 𝘮𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 – promovida pela Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN), a maior associação de negociadores de energia do mundo. O objetivo foi simular … Continued
NOVA Green Lab no Women in ESG: Talking about E of ESG
No dia 12 de abril, o Grupo Women in ESG Portugal, junto com a Deloitte, promoveu a sessão “Talking about E: 5 Desafios da transição energética em Portugal”, no Deloitte Hub, na Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, em Lisboa. 💡 Neste evento foram debatidos os desafios e objetivos da transição energética, bem como ouvir a partilha das boas práticas e desafios … Continued
The NOVA Green Lab membership call for 2023-2024
The NOVA Green lab is opening applications for students of Ph.D., Master, and Bachelor programs to become members of our team from June 2023 to May 2024! NOVA Green Lab is an innovative and active knowledge center of NOVA School of Law committed to promoting legal and multidisciplinary environmental, climate, and energy law research. Currently, we are running projects on greenwashing, circular economy, the … Continued
Welcome to the NOVA Green Lab Cohort 2022-2023
We are glad to announce the relaunch of the NOVA Green Lab Cohort 2022-2023! NOVA Green Lab is a knowledge centre originally founded in 2019 as part of the CEDIS (Centre for Research on Law and Society), the research centre of NOVA School of Law. Since October 2022, it has been coordinated by the Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, … Continued