The Blinding Effect of EU Consumer Policy Overshadows the Role of Consumer Law in Delivering the Green Transition

Abstract. The European Commission’s Communication directed to consumers regarding the Green Transition does not emphasise their shared responsibility. Instead, the Commission puts the emphasis on empowering consumers to make green choices. However, introduced and planned legislative measures simultaneously limit consumers’ freedom of choice. In prior work, these authors prove that this situation creates a problematic … Continued

Design and Liability Challenges in Offshore Wind Farms: the case of MT Højgaard A/S v E. ON Climate & Renewables UK Robin Rigg East Limited and another.

Introduction This case is a dispute referring to the liability of a contractor in charge of the design and construction for wind turbine structures of two wind farms in Scotland. These structures collapsed, and the contractor identified the source of failure. The contractor proposed remedial actions, and both parties agreed to implement them. However, a … Continued

Mandatory Purchase of Green Certificates on Importers from Italian Renewable Energy Producers as Compatible with EU Law: RED II, State Aid and Freedoms. Judgment in Case C-558/22 Fallimento Esperia and GSE

Introduction In the Judgment in Case C-558/22 Fallimento Esperia and GSE on 7 March 2024, the Court of Justice revisited the landmark cases Essent Belgium (Judgment of 29 September 2016, C‑492/14, EU:C:2016:732, and Judgement 11 September 2014, C-204/12, EU:C:2014:2192) concerning the compatibility of national laws imposing support schemes favoring national renewable energy production. Particularly in this case, … Continued

Case T-883/16 Republic of Poland v. European Commission: the principle of energy solidarity

Introduction This paper delves into the principle of energy solidarity and the decision of the General Court that brought this principle to the European Union’s energy policy. By examining Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘TFEU’), the discussion highlights how energy solidarity has become an essential pillar for ensuring … Continued

The Norwegian Supreme Court rules on its first “climate case”: an analysis of People v. Arctic Oil and possible future developments at the European Court of Human Rights

In 2020, the Norwegian Supreme Court ruled on its first legal case regarding the climate, failing to address the full extent of the situation and ending up complying with the modus operandi and status quo of politics surrounding petroleum deposits exploration. However, the Court also set out an important precedent by making statements that have the potential to affect … Continued

Chapter 12. Renewable support schemes and Guarantees of Origin applied to renewable energy regulation

In the Chapter 12 of the edited book ‘Law in the EU’s Circular Energy System: Biofuel, Biowaste and Biogas‘, Alberto Pototschnig and Ilaria Conti address the Renewable support schemes and Guarantees of Origin applied to renewable energy regulation’. Read the Abstract below: ‘Renewable energies will continue to play a key role in decarbonising the energy … Continued

Chapter 11. Energy State Aid

Allard Knook, in the Chapter 11 of the edited book ‘Law in the EU’s Circular Energy System: Biofuel, Biowaste and Biogas‘, addresses Energy State Aid considering various aspects related, namely the relevant political and legislative contexts surrounding the topic. Read the Abstract below: ‘In order to reach the ambitious goals of the Green Deal, State … Continued

Chapter 9. The Energy Tax Directive reform

Álvaro Antón addresses ‘The Energy Tax Directive reform’ on the first chapter composing Part III of the edited book ‘Law in the EU’s Circular Energy System: Biofuel, Biowaste and Biogas‘, with regards to Cross-Sectoral Issues. Read the Abstract below: ‘The use and development of advanced biofuels will be essential for the transition to a green, … Continued

Chapter 7. Sustainable biofuels and gaseous biomass fuels from biowaste in the EU transport sector

Chapter 7 of the edited book ‘Law in the EU’s Circular Energy System: Biofuel, Biowaste and Biogas‘ was written by Piero Carlo dos Reis [1], Phillip Lugmayr, and Benjamin Gomado. Within Part II of the book, it addresses ‘Sustainable biofuels and gaseous biomass fuels from biowaste in the EU transport sector’. Read the Abstract below: … Continued

Book Launch: Law in the EU Circular Energy System

Edited by Professor Lucila de Almeida, NOVA Green Lab’s coordinator and Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, and Josephine van Zeben, Professor and Chair of the LAW group at Wageningen University, this book, though extensive critical analysis, identifies multiple areas of law and policy that require further investigation to guarantee the establishment of a sound policy framework, … Continued

The Inaugural Lecture of the Abreu Chair in ESG Impact: the Environmental, Social and Governance transformations to weather the energy crisis

Today we are gathered in this beautiful auditorium of Abreu Advogados – being under the watchful and attentive gaze of the owls by Bordalo II,[1] to celebrate the inauguration of the Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, the result of a partnership between the NOVA School of Law and the Knowledge Institute powered by Abreu Advogados. … Continued