Case-Law Observatory
Observatory of EU Contract Case-Law for the European Review of Contract Law
Fabrizio Esposito
Lucila de Almeida

Since 2020, The project has consisted of continuous research for identifying and classifying the judgments with contract law dimension at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), collecting valuable data since then. The results of the project are published periodically, in three issues yearly, with the European Review of Contract Law (Scorpus-indexed journal) as … Continued

Course ESG
E-Curso ESG Reporting and Due Diligence: edição em português
Claire Bright
Lucila de Almeida

25 de setembro a 27 de novembro Coordenação Claire Bright, Professora Associada, NOVA School of Law e Diretora, NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment  Lucila de Almeida, Abreu Chair – ESG Impact, NOVA School of Law  e Diretora, NOVA Green Lab. Data Quartas-feiras de setembro, outubro e novembro: Módulo ‘S’: 25/09/2024, 02/10/2024, 09/10/2024 e … Continued

Team Project
´E of ESG´: The 2024 Project
Lucila de Almeida
Beatriz Gomes

With the aim of enabling our research to compose a real tool for the academic community and market actors, NOVA Green Lab is currently developing a long-term research project that will allow the topic of ESG to be demystified and simplified by our researchers. The project, which is currently a work in progress, aims to … Continued

Course ESG
Capacity Building Project on ESG for SMEs in partnership with AICEP and Instituto do conhecimento da Abreu Advogados
Lucila de Almeida

The ESG para PMEs is a capacity-building project resulting from the agreement between the Portuguese public entity named AICEP, the agency in charge of attracting foreign investment and supporting Portuguese companies to export, and the Knowledge Institute Powered by Abreu Advogados. The project consists of developing an online course of four hours entitled Curso ESG … Continued

Live from Brussels: the NOVA Green Lab video series on European Energy and Climate Law and Policy
Lucila de Almeida
João Maria Botelho

“Live from Brussels” is a monthly video series by NOVA Green Lab about European Energy and Climate Law & Policy. The episodes are hosted in Brussels by Joana Freitas. Professor Lucila de Almeida, the Director of NOVA Green Lab, and João Maria Botelho, a student from NOVA Law School and researcher at the Green Lab, … Continued

UsersTCP by IEA: Global Observatory on Peer-to-Peer Community Self-Consumption and Transactive Energy Models
Lucila de Almeida

The Global Observatory on Peer-to-peer Community Self-consumption and Transactive Energy Models (GOP2P) is an international collaborative forum to understand the policy, legal, social and technological conditions needed to support the wider deployment of prosumer and transactional energy models between prosumers and energy communities. GOP2P is part of the International Energy Agency’s User-Centred Energy Systems Technology … Continued

Portuguese Environment Agency (APA)
Tiago Melo Cartaxo
Lucila de Almeida
João Francisco Diogo

A cooperation protocol was signed between NOVA Green Lab and the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) regarding the implementation of the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous waste and their disposal and the Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a transboundary context and the Kiev Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment, under … Continued