October, 14th

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Cohort at NOVA Green Lab!



Follow the news of the NOVA Green Lab!

2024 NOVA Green Lab Annual Report
Lucila de Almeida
Beatriz Gomes

Looking back and looking forward! As 2025 just started, the NOVA Green Lab released its 2024 Annual Report. After two years of our relaunch, we are proud to have built a motivated team capable to produce an impressive and consistent output with societal impact. Enjoy the read and looking forward to 2025!

ESG Team Meetings
2nd Annual Conference: The Parallel Session
Lotte Reuter
Manuela Cruz

Last Monday, the second day of the 2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Green Lab centered on showcasing the outcomes of the “E of ESG” Project, a flagship initiative of the NOVA Green Lab. The focus of the day was on the members’ presentations of their essays for the NOVA Green Lab Book 2024-2025: ‘E of … Continued

The 2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Green Lab – Highlights on the plenary sessions about ESG and EU Competitiveness
Beatriz Gomes

This Monday, NOVA Green Lab hosted its 2nd Annual Conference, titled “O «E» em ESG e a Competitividade – Os Desafios da União Europeia nos Próximos Cinco Anos.” The event served as a powerful platform to examine and discuss the profound implications of recent EU legislation, particularly the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the … Continued

E-course/E-Curso: ESG Reporting and Due Diligence: edition in portuguese/edição em português
Lucila de Almeida
Claire Bright

The NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment (NOVA BHRE) and the NOVA Green Lab have opened a Portuguese edition of the Course on ESG Reporting and Due Diligence which will present the new requirements for companies to align their policies and strategies with ESG criteria in line with the expectations of investors and consumers, … Continued

New Members
NOVA Green Lab Membership Call for 2024-2025
Lucila de Almeida
Beatriz Gomes

The NOVA Green lab is opening applications for students of Ph.D., Master, and Bachelor programs (4th Year only) to become members of our team from October 2024 to September 2025. NOVA Green Lab is an innovative and active knowledge center of NOVA School of Law committed to promoting legal and multidisciplinary environmental, climate, and energy law research. Currently, we are running several projects, among … Continued

Team Meetings
NOVA Green Lab at Abreu Advogados: Reflecting on our achievements and Setting New Goals 
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

Today was a significant day for NOVA Green Lab as we gathered at Abreu Advogados to review the results of the first semester of 2024 and set new goals for 2024-2025. The room was filled to capacity, providing a vibrant environment for discussion, collaboration, and idea-sharing. The full attendance was crucial in ensuring we captured a wide … Continued

Abreu Advogados Nomeada para os Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe 2024´
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

O Financial Times publicou na passada semana a lista de finalistas para a edição de 2024 dos “Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe”, e a Abreu Advogados destaca-se com a nomeação em duas categorias na área da inovação. Este reconhecimento ocorre um ano depois de a firma ter sido considerada a 16.ª mais inovadora da … Continued

NOVA Green Lab at the University of Maastricht as an invited speaker to a Conference of their Centre of European Law
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

On the 20th and 21st of June, Maastricht University Faculty of Law hosted the conference “Between narratives and reality: The EU at the gates of a new mandate”, co-organised with Studio Europa Maastricht, co-funded by Universiteitsfonds Limburg and convened by our MCEL members Leticia Díez Sánchez and Fulvia Ristuccia. Two days of enriching discussions opened with a Keynote … Continued

NOVA Green Lab as an invited speaker to the GALP Innovation Talk
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

On 6 June 2024, Professor Lucila de Almeida was the speaker of the Innovation Talk Series at GALP. The event happens monthly and is addressed to all collaborators of GALP based in Lisbon and abroad. The presentation was entitled “Regulation and Technology: The paradox of technology neutrality in the age of energy innovation” and was … Continued

Book Energy European Green Transition
Celebrating our contributions: book review of the edited book ´Law in the EU’s Circular Energy System: Biofuel, Biowaste and Biogas´
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

At NOVA Green Lab, we are thrilled to share the recent book review by Katrien Steenmans of “Law in the EU’s Circular Energy System: Biofuel, Biowaste and Biogas”, edited by our esteemed coordinator, Professor Lucila de Almeida, alongside Josephine van Zeben. This volume, published by Edward Elgar (2023), is a groundbreaking addition to the field … Continued

Professor Lucila de Almeida as Keynote Speaker at ELECPOR 20th Anniversary Conference
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

The Annual ELECPOR Meeting celebrating its 20th anniversary, themed “Future ON,” was a resounding success, highlighted by a keynote address from Professor Lucila de Almeida, Coordinator of NOVA Green Lab. The event, held on June 4, gathered industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to discuss the future of the energy sector, focusing on electrification. Professor Lucila … Continued

European Green Transition
NOVA Green Lab at the SPEED Lunch Seminar on the Technology Neutrality Principle
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

On April 17th another SPEED Lunch Seminar took place at NOVA School of Law, the topic was ”Framming the Technology Neutrality Principle within the European Green Transition” and NOVA Green Lab was present, both at the speakers table, and attending as guests. The European Union is tackling climate change and the energy crisis head-on, not … Continued

New Members
Welcome to Alessandra Porcari as a visiting scholar!
Beatriz Gomes

Alessandra Porcari is a PhD candidate in Comparative and European legal studies at Trento University and a teaching assistant in EU law since January 2022. She was awarded a topic-specific scholarship funded by the National Operational Program on Research and Innovation.  Previously, she graduated cum laude from Trento University in July 2021. Then, she moved … Continued

Environmental Law ESG Press
Sustentabilidade nas PMEs: NOVA Green Lab no Jornal ´Público´
Beatriz Gomes

No mundo empresarial moderno, a sustentabilidade tornou-se um imperativo incontestável. Não apenas as grandes empresas, mas também as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) devem, neste sentido, adotar práticas sustentáveis nas suas operações. O motivo é claro: além de ser uma responsabilidade moral, a sustentabilidade também se tornou um requisito legal e uma demanda crescente dos … Continued

Energy Law SDG
NOVA Green Lab at the Energy Law and Economics Course
Beatriz Gomes

Last week, NOVA Assembleia and ELSA U.LISBOA collaborated to organize an intensive Course on Green Energy Law and Economics, in which our coordinator, Professor Lucila de Almeida, featured as a speaker. The course covered important topics such as electric vehicles and mobility, project finance, market regulation, the tax aspects of energy law, and the Sustainable … Continued

Conferência ESG para PME exportadoras: Sensibilização e Capacitação 
Beatriz Gomes

A aicep Portugal Global, em parceria com o IAPMEI, realiza a Conferência ESG para PME Exportadoras: Sensibilização e Capacitação na qual será apresentado o “Curso ESG de A a Z do Relato de Sustentabilidade”, desenvolvido e produzido pelo Instituto de Conhecimento da Abreu Advogados. A Conferência ESG para PME Exportadoras: Sensibilização e Capacitação terá lugar no dia … Continued

New Members
Welcome to NOVA Green Lab´s new members!
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

To promote and boost the projects in NOVA Green Lab´s pipeline, the Call for New Members 2024.1 was launched in December. This call for applications was aimed at incorporating new research talent into the centre, and several applications were received, offering a high level of quality to the selection process. Ultimately, seven new members were … Continued

Environmental Law SDG
NOVA Green Lab´s Year: 2023 Recap!
Lucila de Almeida
Beatriz Gomes

NOVA Green Lab is a knowledge centre founded in 2019 as part of the CEDIS (Centre for Research on Law and Society) the research centre of NOVA School of Law. Since October 2022, it has been coordinated by the Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, Professor Lucila de Almeida. NOVA Green Lab aims to promote legal and multidisciplinary research in … Continued

Climate Change Energy
NOVA Green Lab na Comunidade de Investigação Interdisciplinar da NOVA
Lucila de Almeida

No dia 6 de Dezembro, a Professora Lucila de Almeida participou do primeiro Workshop de Designing Thinking da Comunidade Interdisciplinar da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa sob o tema Sistemas Energéticos Sustentáveis, com o apoio da Galp. COMUNIDADE DE INVESTIGAÇÃO INTERDISCIPLINAR DA NOVA (NIRC) SISTEMAS ENERGÉTICOS SUSTENTÁVEIS A nossa Visão: rumo a um futuro de energia sustentável para … Continued

Energy P2P Projects
NOVA Green Lab at the 7th meeting of the Global Observatory GOP2P
Lucila de Almeida

On 1st December, the NOVA Green Lab joined the 7th GOP2P conference at TUDelft, Netherlands. The GOP2P is a research project supported by the International Energy Agency Project that has NOVA School of Law and co/subtask leader. The 7th GOP2P meeting had an intense full-day program themed ‘Making Local Energy Markets a Reality’, focused on the challenge of … Continued

Climate Law Energy Law EU Law
NOVA Green Lab at University of Trento Webinar on Technology Neutrality Principle and the European Green Transition
Lucila de Almeida

On 30 November 2023, Professor Lucila de Almeida joined the Webinar at the University of Trento entitled ´Technology Neutrality Principle and the European Green Transition´. Lucila introduced the European Commission proposal on the Net-Zero Industrial Act and Critical Raw Material Act with the PhD student at the University of Trento, Alessandra Porcari, who presented her … Continued

Climate Law Energy Law EU Law
NOVA Green Lab at Erasmus+ Capacity Building Calesa Project
Lucila de Almeida

On 28 November 2023, Professor Lucila de Almeida presented at the Judicial Academy of the Philippines in an event within the framework of the ´Erasmus+ Capacity Building Calesa Project´ entitled ´Knowledge Sharing on the Modernization of Private Law´. She presented about the Public Intervention in Private Contracting, bringing examples in the EU energy and environmental … Continued

The NOVA Green Lab membership call 2024.1
Lucila de Almeida
Beatriz Gomes

The NOVA Green lab is opening applications for students of Ph.D., Master, and Bachelor programs to become members of our team from January 2024 to December 2024. NOVA Green Lab is an innovative and active knowledge center of NOVA School of Law committed to promoting legal and multidisciplinary environmental, climate, and energy law research. Currently, we are running several projects on the intertwined relationship … Continued

Energy ESG
NOVA Green Lab no Forum ESG | FIBE
Lucila de Almeida

Nos dias 1, 2 e 3 de Novembro, o Fórum de Integração Brasil Europa – FIBE e a VALE se uniram para debater conquistas, oportunidades e desafios marcados pelo destaque e protagonismo que a agenda ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) ganhou nos últimos anos, principalmente diante da crise climática e do acirramento das desigualdades – o Forum … Continued

Climate Law Energy Law Environmental Law
Welcome to Beatriz Gomes as our NOVA Green Lab´s Project Manager
Lucila de Almeida

The NOVA Green Lab team is glad to announce the appointment of Beatriz Gomes as our new research associate and project manager. Beatriz applied and won the competitive selection process for the CEDIS research scholarship 2013/13. For our Director, Professora Lucila de Almeida, ¨Beatriz proved to be the candidate who demonstrated an optimal combination of … Continued

Climate Law Energy Law Environmental Law
Welcome to the NOVA Green Lab team members Cohort 2023-2024
Lucila de Almeida
Beatriz Gomes

We are glad to announce the NOVA Green Lab team members of the Cohort 2023-2024! The NOVA Green Lab team members of the Cohort 2023-2024 are composed of BSc, MSc, and PhD students selected from the group of applicants who answered our open call issued in April 2023. Every year, the NOVA Green Lab welcomes … Continued

Iberian Conference on November 9th
Electricity Reform Energy Energy Law
Conferência Ibérica da APDEN: contributos para a Reforma do Mercado Europeu de Energia
Lucila de Almeida
Beatriz Gomes

No passado dia 9 de novembro, a NOVA School of Law recebeu a Conferência Ibérica da APDEN intitulada «Contributos para a Reforma do Mercado Europeu de Energia», organizada conjuntamente com a APE – Associação Portuguesa da Energia e a NOVA School of Law, através do NOVA Green Lab, em parceria com AEDEN – Asociación Española de Derecho de la Energía, a EFELA – European Federation of … Continued

NOVA Green Lab at ELSA FDUL: ESG and Sustainable Finance
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

23 e 24 de Outubro ocorreu o curso intensive de Direito do Ambiente e Sustentabulidads organized by ou research assistant @joaomariastbotelho and the President of the ELSA U. Lisboa, Bruna Lopes, at FDUL – speaking about ESG with Alice Khouri and Maria Tereza Teresa Goulão.

climate Energy SDG
NOVA Green Lab na Freguesia Charneca de Caparica e Sobreda
Beatriz Gomes
Lucila de Almeida

Em 19 de Outubro de 2023, o NOVA Green Lab esteve na Junta da Freguesia de Charneca de Caparica e Sbreda para falar sobre a importância dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimneto Sustentvel 7 e 13 para autoridades locais. Além do Presidente da JFCCS, Pedro Matias, estavam presentes autoridades e moradores.

Abreu Chair in ESG Impact recognized by Financial Times Innovation Lawyers Awards Europe 2023 in Skills Development Prize of Abreu Advogados
Lucila de Almeida

Congratulations to NOVA School of Law and Abreu Advogados. Abreu Advogados saw its Knowledge Institute distinguished as the most innovative in Skills Development by the prestigious «Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe 2023», which highlighted the ad personam «Abreu Chair in ESG Impact», awarded to Professor Lucila de Almeida, as a result of the collaboration protocol signed with NOVA School of Law. This recognition … Continued

Climate Law Environmental Law Human Rights
NOVA Green Lab at the 3rd Annual Conference of the NOVA BHRE

Em 26 de setembro, a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian recebeu no passado mês de setembro a III Conferência Anual do NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment , que se debruçou sobre a «Dever de Diligência de Sustentabilidade Empresarial: Da Lei à Prática». O NOVA Green Lab foi uma das instituições que apoiaram o … Continued

Energy Energy Law
NOVA Green Lab at the AIEN-Association of International Energy Negotiators´ Conference
Lucila de Almeida
Rickson Neves
Catarina Rocha

Após dois meses de preparação, uma equipa de seis alunos/as indicados/as pelo NOVA Green Lab teve, no dia 21 de setembro, a oportunidade de representar a NOVA School of Law numa simulação de negociação – 𝘮𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 – promovida pela Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN), a maior associação de negociadores de energia do mundo. O objetivo foi simular … Continued

Environmental Law Water
NOVA Green Lab welcomes Prof. Burge W. Griggs as Fulbright Visiting Professor
Burke Griggs

The NOVA Green Lab is glad and honored to welcome Prof. Burge W. Griggs, Professor of Law at Washburn University School of Law, as a Fulbright Visiting Professor in the field of Sustainability for the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024.

Energy EU Law
NOVA Green Lab at the European Parliament: the electricity market reform
Lucila de Almeida

On 5th July, NOVA Green Lab is Live from Brussels, but this time in person. Our director, Professor Lucila de Almeida, moderated and closed a roundtable at the European Parliament about the Electricity Market Design Reform for the Members of the European Parliament a few days before voting on the proposed amendments.  We appreciate the … Continued

NOVA Green Lab in the AICEP´s ´Formação ESG´
Lucila de Almeida

On 19 May 2023, our Director Professor Lucila de Almeida, Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, together Dr. José Eduardo Martins, Partner of Abreu Advogados, were invited by the AICEP – Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal – to give a presentation in their training called ´Formação ESG´. Formação ESG is a series … Continued

Electricity Reform Energy Law ESG
NOVA Green Lab no Women in ESG: Talking about E of ESG
Lucila de Almeida

No dia 12 de abril, o Grupo Women in ESG Portugal, junto com a Deloitte, promoveu a sessão “Talking about E: 5 Desafios da transição energética em Portugal”, no Deloitte Hub, na Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, em Lisboa. 💡 Neste evento foram debatidos os desafios e objetivos da transição energética, bem como ouvir a partilha das boas práticas e desafios … Continued

Climate Law Energy Law Environmental Law
The NOVA Green Lab membership call for 2023-2024
Lucila de Almeida
João Francisco Diogo

The NOVA Green lab is opening applications for students of Ph.D., Master, and Bachelor programs to become members of our team from June 2023 to May 2024! NOVA Green Lab is an innovative and active knowledge center of NOVA School of Law committed to promoting legal and multidisciplinary environmental, climate, and energy law research. Currently, we are running projects on greenwashing, circular economy, the … Continued

ESG Press
Lucila de Almeida e Luís Barreto Xavier em entrevista ao Jornal Económico sobre critérios ESG
Lucila de Almeida
Luiz Barreto Xavier

No âmbito do apresentação do Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, numa parceria entre a Abreu Advogados e a NOVA School of Law, o Jornal Económico entrevistou Lucila de Almeida, responsável por esta unidade curricular, e Luís Barreto Xavier, Presidente do Instituto de Conhecimento da Abreu Advogados. A cátedra que pretende promover o desenvolvimento académico da … Continued

Climate Law Energy Law Environmental Law
Welcome to the NOVA Green Lab Cohort 2022-2023
Lucila de Almeida

We are glad to announce the relaunch of the NOVA Green Lab Cohort 2022-2023! NOVA Green Lab is a knowledge centre originally founded in 2019 as part of the CEDIS (Centre for Research on Law and Society), the research centre of NOVA School of Law. Since October 2022, it has been coordinated by the Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, … Continued